Strengthening of Teaching Aids:
During Year the Educational Charts and Models on different Subjects were procured as below
- The external body parts of a cow
- External body parts of a fowl
- Types of standard male combs
- External body parts of a swine
- Reproductive system of ball
- Reproductive system of cow
- Digestive system of cattle
- The estrous cycle in the cow
- Digestive system of poultry
- Anatomy of a cow
- Comparative characteristics of sheep & Goat 2
- Zoological classification of cattle, Buffalo & Chicken
- Development of teeth of cattle
- Pandharpuri buffalo
- Murrah buffalo
- Mehsana Buffalo
- Jaffarabadi buffalo
- Phule triuoni cow
- Gir cattle
- Red sindhi
- Hariyana cattle
- Kankrej cattle
- Khiller cattle
- Holstein Friesian cattle
- Jersey cattle
- Asiatic (Brahma) chicken
- Aseel chicken
- While leg hornt chicken
- Minorca chicken
- Australorp chicken
- Rhode island red (Rir) chicken
- Factors influencing learning
- Rural social groups
- Characteristic of Culture
- Social class
- Characteristic of Indian Rural Family
- Classifications of Family
- Elements of Rural Sociology
- Forms of Culture
- Types of Classes
- Classifications of Teaching Methods (According o Use)
- Classifications of Teaching Methods (According o Form)
- The Elements of a / Learning Situation
- Sociology
- Citrus
- Bengal gram/ Red gram
- Sugarcane-White Grub & Internodes Borer
- Paddy
- Potato tuber moth
- Custard apple mealy bulb
- Position of cockroach in animal kingdom
- Animal kingdom is divided in 10 phylum
- Seven Cost Curves
- Relationship between total, average and marginal products
- Iso-quant or lao- product curve
- Classification of markets(A)
- Classification of markets (B)
- Financial test ratios (A)
- Financial test ratios (B)
- Marketing functions (A)
- Marketing functions (B)
- Marketing agencies
- Classification of credit board
- Principles of co-operation
- Marketing channels for wheat, millet and pulses
- Consumers surplus
- Law of Equimarginal utility (law of substitution)
- Cost curves
- Law of demand
- Marketing channels for paddy
- Floral biology of Bajara
- Floral diagrams and floral formula of different family
- PATH of water in plants
- Calvin cycle
- Floral diagrams and floral formula of different family
- Relationship between different components
- Fields Equipments for Plants breeders
Soil Science
- Si-O tetrahedron
- Montmorillonite 2:1
- Kaolinite1:1
- Illite 2:1
- Weathering processes
- Typical soil profile showing master horizons
- Types of soil survey
- Ion exchange
- Different deficiencies Symptoms of leaves
- Stock solution for murashige and skoog