

Agronomy is the science and technology of producing and using plants in agriculture for food, fuel, fiber, recreation, and land restoration. Agronomy has come to encompass work in the areas of plant genetics, plant physiology, meteorology, and soil science. It is the application of a combination of sciences like biology, chemistry, economics, ecology, earth science, and genetics. Agronomist aims at obtaining maximum production at minimum cost and is concerned with production of food and fiber to meet the needs of the growing population.

Agronomy Laboratory

Agronomy is differentiated from the plant sciences of horticulture, pomology, range science, and other applied plant sciences by the specific crops considered and the scope. Agronomic crops are those that occupy large acreage, and are the bases of the world’s food and fiber production systems, often mechanized. Examples are wheat, rice, corn, soybean, alfalfa and forage crops, beans, sugar beets, canola, and cotton. Also called ‘field crops’, these crops typically consist of a large majority of a country’s agricultural acreage and crop revenue. The college lab is equipped with facilities and equipment’s based on the latest trends in agriculture.

Objectives and Activities

This laboratory is used for research in following areas:

  • To be able to identify crops, seeds, fertilizers &pesticides and tillage implementation
  • To study Effect of sowing depth on germination and seedling vigour
  • To Study of yield contributing characters, yield estimation, Seed germination and viability test.
  • Plant Population and water requirement, Use of tillage implements (reversible plogh, one way plough, harrow, leveler, seed drill).
  • To Study of soil moisture measuring devices, Measurement of field capacity, bulk density and infiltration rate

Measurement of irrigation water.

  • To examine crops for the signs of disease, insect or pest problem, weed issue or problem with the soil.
  • to solve problems concerning planting, cultivating, harvesting and protecting crops from pests, weeds and harsh climates
  • To work with farmers to conduct experiments and help to grow best possible crop with extensive knowledge of Agriculture, crop science, chemistry, biology, ecology, earth science, genetics and economics.
  • To evaluate crop data collected; to find ways to improve the next generation crop.
  • To compare results with scientific research journals and reference books to pinpoint the cause and finding a solution.
  • To present research findings to farmers to use the information for growing and harvesting agricultural products.
  • To help farmers to manage crop planting and implementing efficient farming practices; improving crop efficiency and sorting any agricultural problems.

List of equipment in the Lab:

Sr. No.Equipment
1Crop Cafeteria
2Museum for identification of seeds, fertilizer, weeds, commonly used agro-chemical and medicinal and aromatic plants etc.
3Irrigation water measurement V-Notch, Trapezoidal weirs, Rectangular weir, Orifice.
4 Hot air oven
5 Moisture box
6 Weighing Balance
7Conductivity Meter
8 Drip and Sprinkler System set
9 Sprayer (Knapsack Sprayer)
10 Tape
11Screw Auger
14Disc board (Model)
15Disc Harrow (Model)
16Cultivator (Model)
17Bund former (Model)
18Mould Disc Board (Model)
20Cup Anemometer (Model)
21Fortine Barometer (Model)
22Wind vane (Model)
23Seed Germinator
24pH Meter
26Spring Balance 50 Kg
27Meter Scale
28Brix meter
29Chlorophyl Meter